




Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Pudong Expo City Main Center上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔浦東世博城市主中心Front line riverside real view quasi existing house一線濱江實景準現房Poly Expo day joy保利世博天悅The building surface is about 174-400㎡ river view level建面約174-400㎡江景平層The average price is about 168,000 /㎡均價約16.8萬/㎡



Shanghai Pudong Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔ 2500w Can enjoy 190-205 square experience luxury garden life, a wide vision, comfortable and livable;上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔2500w可享受190-205平體驗奢闊園林生活,視野開闊,舒適宜居;Within 30 million, there is a chance to choose 190-205 flat river housing;3000萬以內有機會選到190-205平看江房源;40 million people have the opportunity to enjoy the shock of 240-252 flat luxury and broad view of the river.4000萬有機會享受240-252平奢闊看江的震撼。



Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔【 Poly Expo Tianyue 】【保利世博天悅】Expo Binjiang plate overlooking the river mansion世博濱江板塊 瞰江大宅The top team in the industry is committed業內頂尖團隊傾情投入Spent billions of dollars to build斥資百億重金打造Central active area planning dividend中央活動區規劃紅利The building surface is about 174㎡ ~ 400㎡建面約174㎡~400㎡Hardcover 3 ~ 4 rooms精裝3房~4房The model room is open樣板間開放中Book a viewing online線上預約看房Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔




Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔one1Refresh the cover of Shanghai Riverside Mansion刷新上海濱江豪宅封面For Poly Expo Tianyue, product power is the "must-kill technology".對於保利世博天悅而言,產品力就是“必殺技”。The mansion with the highest degree of planning restoration規劃還原度最高的豪宅Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Poly World Expo Tianye Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai, tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔ Poly World Expo Tianye to mark the world's top luxury products, at the beginning of the land invited Rogers, Foster and Zeng Shigan three global masters to design, hoping to use the wisdom and inspiration of the world's top masters to achieve the legend of this out-of-print land.上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅對標全球頂豪產品,拿地伊始邀請羅傑斯、福斯特和曾仕乾三位全球大師進行方案設計,希望用全球頂級大師的智慧和靈感爲成就這片絕版土地的傳奇。In the end, Mr. Zeng Shiqian, the founder of SCDA, stood out through the ingenious integration of architectural elements, the design techniques that fit Oriental living habits, and the uniqueness of internationalization.最終SCDA創始人曾仕乾先生通過對建築元素的巧妙融合、貼合東方生活習慣的設計手法併兼具國際化的獨特性脫穎而出。In terms of landscape architecture, CICADA, Asia's leading landscape design firm that can play with lines, was invited;園林方面,邀請到亞洲首屈一指的“最會玩線條的景觀設計事務所”CICADA詩加達;Interior design with CCD Zheng Zhong, Cheng Shaozheng Tao, Wu Bin and other 5 design days group.室內設計攜手CCD鄭忠、程紹正韜、吳濱等5大設計天團。



Shanghai Pudong Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Eight of the world's top designers gathered together to create a new urban landmark of Shanghai's riverside culture in the ultra-high energy CAZ plate of Expo Binjiang.上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔全球八大頂尖設計師齊聚一堂,在世博濱江這片超高能級CAZ板塊,共同打造出了上海濱江文化的全新城市地標名片。It is worth mentioning that after the two major designers of Poly Expo Tianyue, "SCDA founder" and "Shijada Boss", visited the site, both of them believed that Expo Tianyue was the most restored work so far值得一提的是,保利世博天悅的兩大設計師「SCDA創始人」和「詩加達老闆」來現場參觀之後,二者都認爲世博天悅是迄今爲止還原度最高的作品Huangpu River landmark new business card黃浦江畔地標新名片Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue from the overall style to the details of the facade, from the water to the garden, with the greatest sincerity to perfection.上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅從整體格調到立面細節,從水景到園林,用最大的誠意力求盡善盡美。In terms of architecture, to create a unique "curtain wall design" facade in Shanghai, the integration of sliding window and column design, weakening the internal and external boundaries of the space, the super-scale floor-to-ceiling glass window, with Shanghai's first "open aluminum plate design", to achieve a comprehensive floor-to-ceiling restoration of master design.建築方面,打造上海獨一無二的“類幕牆設計”立面,平推窗與立柱一體化設計,弱化空間的內外界線,超尺度落地玻璃窗外,搭配上海首例“開放式鋁板設計”,做到對大師設計的全方位落地還原。



Poly World Expo Tianyue Sales Office in Pudong, Shanghai ☎ : 400-9939-964 In terms of layout, Poly World Expo Tianyue selects the optimal view Angle of the river south to east, "21° golden Tilt Angle", high and low in the west, to create a high and low two-story skyline, scattered building layout, so that all the buildings can see the river view, so as to maximize the river view resources.上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔佈局方面,保利世博天悅選取最優瞰江角度南偏東“21°黃金傾角”西高東低的樓棟排布,打造一高一低兩層天際線,錯落有致的建築佈局,做到了棟棟皆可看江景,讓江景資源最大化。The high area of the project realizes the absolute possession of the top resources of the city through the Angle design of the 270° landscape view and the ingenious Jiang-viewing platform.項目高區通過270°景觀視野的轉角設計,以及匠心獨具的觀江陽臺,實現對城市頂級資源的絕對佔有。



In terms of water feature, the project adopts the method of "guiding water into the park and leading the road by water" to continue the advantages of river view and create about 3000 square meters of water feature, which integrates the elements of water feature with the external environment.上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔水景方面,項目採用“引水入園、以水帶路”的手法,延續依傍江景的優勢,打造約3000㎡水景,水景元素與外部環境相融合。



In terms of landscape, Poly Expo Tianyue landscape planning area of about 60,000 square meters, including green area of about 35,000 square meters, the scale of about five Wembley football fields, combined with about 3,000 square meters of water in the community, formed the "high area to see the river, low area to see the garden" resource distribution.上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔園林方面,保利世博天悅景觀規劃面積約6萬㎡,其中綠化面積約3.5萬㎡,規模約等於5個溫布利足球場,結合社區內約3000㎡水景,形成了“高區看江,低區觀園”的資源分佈。For the city center of Shanghai, where land resources are extremely scarce and communities are becoming smaller and smaller, such a riverside community with large-scale water features and high greening rate gardens is lost forever.對於土地資源極度匱乏,社區越建越小的上海城心來說,這樣大尺度水景、高綠化率園林的一線濱江社區,錯過即永失。



Shanghai Pudong Expo Tianyue Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ When it comes to garden landscape, we have to mention Poly Expo's ultra-high standard material selection standards!上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔講到園林景觀,就不得不提一下保利世博超高標準的選材標準了!The first is the outdoor decorative wall of the main entrance of the project. After careful comparison and analysis of the gloss and texture of N kinds of stone, Poly finally decided to use the fish belly white stone imported from Italy.首先是項目主入口的室外裝飾牆,保利經過對N種石材的光澤與質感進行細緻的比較分析後,最終決定採用意大利進口的魚肚白石材。It is worth mentioning that the stone is consistent with the materials selected by the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, the cost is as high as about 20,000 /㎡, known as "one of the most expensive stone in the world", which also injected extraordinary quality and charm into the project from the door change.值得一提的是,該石材與北京釣魚臺國賓館所選用的材料一致,造價高達約2萬/㎡,被譽爲“世界上最貴的石材之一”,這也爲項目從進門處變注入了非凡的品質與韻味。In addition, Poly Expo Tianyi in stone also selected the black granite in the "Hermes" Shanxi black and Italy imported blue gold sand marble, the three best stone across the eastern and western hemispheres echo each other, carved into a scene.除此之外,保利世博天悅在石材方面還臻選了黑色花崗岩中的“愛馬仕”山西黑和意大利進口的藍金砂大理石,三大臻品石材橫跨東西半球交相呼應,雕琢成景。In the community, evergreen trees such as osmanthus and camphor, deciduous trees such as crape myrtle and cherry blossom are transplanted with full crown, and they are never carefully selected for beautiful tree shape.社區內的桂花、香樟等常綠樹木,紫薇、櫻花等落葉樹木,均爲全冠移植,且從無一不是經過精挑細選優美樹形。



Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔The quiet scene introduced by the ultra-white glass in the sunken meeting breaks the physical boundary of the enclosed clubhouse. Through the connection of the floor-to-ceiling window and the landscape of the sunken courtyard, the natural landscape of the courtyard is cleverly transferred to the interior, making the indoor and outdoor landscape "inside and outside".下沉式會所以超白玻璃引入的靜謐光景,打破圍合式會所的物理邊界,通過落地窗景與下沉式庭院的景觀聯結,巧妙的將庭院自然景觀過渡到室內,使得室內和室外景觀“內外合一”。About 2600㎡ art club, equipped with heated swimming pool, private dining room, wine cellar, meeting room and gym and other functions, while providing high-end customized services, to provide owners with high-end circle interworking, mutual sharing of high-level social relations space.約2600㎡藝術會所,配置恆溫泳池、私宴廳、酒窖、會客廳及健身房等功能,同時提供高級定製服務,爲業主提供具有高端圈層互通、互享的高階社交關係空間。Hanging on the wall of the club is an art hanging painting "Sea" carefully created by young artist Li Shun.會所牆壁上懸掛着一幅由青年藝術家李舜精心創作的藝術掛畫《海面》。This work takes the original text of Lincoln Payne's "Ocean and Civilization" as the material. Through clever artistic treatment, the original text is transformed into a layered image of waves, which makes the two perfectly integrated and adds a unique cultural atmosphere to the club.這幅作品以林肯·佩恩的《海洋與文明》原文爲素材,通過巧妙的藝術處理,將原文轉化成了層層疊疊的浪花形象,這一創意使得二者完美融合,爲會所增添了一份獨特的文化氛圍。




Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔More pure super mansion更純粹的超級豪宅Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Shanghai Pudong Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ In the Huangpu River with a lot of luxury homes, only pure large-family residences can truly attract the attention and choice of the elite.上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔在豪宅林立的黃浦江畔,唯有純粹的大戶型住宅,方能真正吸引菁英圈層的矚目與選擇。Poly Expo Tianyue construction surface of about 170-400 square meters of the apartment configuration, is currently the only pure house project in Binjiang for sale.保利世博天悅建面約170-400㎡的戶型配置,是目前濱江待售項目中唯一的純大宅項目。It is reported that the project construction area of about 190 square meters or more accounts for more than 92%, ensuring the purity of the future owners circle!據悉,項目建面約190㎡以上的戶型佔比超過92%,確保了未來業主圈層的純粹性!Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔



























Poly World Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔ In the design of the side suite, Poly World Expo Tianyue side suite uses L-shaped corner window design to create invincible lighting and immersive view.上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔在邊套戶型的設計上,保利世博天悅邊套採用L型轉角落地窗設計,打造了無敵採光和沉浸式觀景視野。Not only that, Poly Expo Tianyuan broke through the traditional house design, on the basis of the odd layer of the middle set of more than 13 meters overlooking the river, pioneering to add about 6 meters of deep lighting surface, to maximize lighting, indoor space outdoor.不僅如此,保利世博天悅突破了傳統的戶型設計,在奇數層中間套超13米的瞰江面基礎上,開創性的增加了約6米的進深採光面,做到最大化採光,室內空間室外化。At the same time, the middle set of double height is used to create the first air swimming pool apartment in Shanghai Binjiang. The water surface of the pool reflects the surrounding scenery, as if the beauty of the entire Binjiang is integrated into it, feeling the perfect integration of nature and the city.同時利用中間套雙層挑高,打造上海濱江首個空中泳池戶型,泳池的水面倒映着周圍的景色,彷彿將整個濱江的美景都融入其中,感受自然與城市的完美融合。


Shanghai Pudong Poly Expo Tianyue sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ In terms of decoration standards, Poly Expo Tianyue has no rivals in the whole Huangpu River, even the whole city!上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔在裝修標準方面,保利世博天悅在整個黃浦江畔,乃至更是堪稱全市都堪稱沒有對手!Not to mention a series of international top luxury brands such as Honeywell, Contemporary, Gagna, Vinada, Vibao, etc., even in terms of decoration details, you can easily handle competing products.且不提霍尼韋爾、當代、嘉格納、威乃達、唯寶等一系列國際頂豪品牌,即便是在裝修細節方面也能輕鬆拿捏競品。Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔Air conditioning: Dajin (or equivalent)空調:大金(或同檔次)Floor heating: Power (or equivalent)地暖:威能(或同檔次)New Style: Honeywell or Lancher (or equivalent)新風:霍尼韋爾或蘭舍(或同檔次)Floor: bedroom solid wood composite floor, guest dining, study + three bathroom floor countertops all natural stone;地面:臥室實木複合地板,客餐、書房+三個衛生間地面檯面全部天然石材;Wall: bedroom wall cloth/wood veneer/leather, dining room/bathroom/study all natural stone;牆面:臥室壁布/木飾面/皮革,餐廳/衛生間/書房全部天然石材;Kitchen: Quartz stone countertop, Gagna (or equivalent) cooktop, range hood, dishwasher, refrigerator, steam oven, wine cabinet;廚房:石英石臺面,嘉格納(或同檔次)竈具、吸油煙機、洗碗機、冰箱、蒸汽烤箱、酒櫃;Bathroom: Veibao Basin (or the same grade), GroHE/Contemporary basin faucet (or the same grade), Veibao toilet (or the same grade), GROHE/Contemporary shower faucet (or the same grade)衛生間:唯寶臺盆(或同檔次)、高儀/當代臺盆龍頭(或同檔次)、唯寶坐便器(或同檔次)、高儀/當代淋浴龍頭(或同檔次)








Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔Frankly speaking, with its unique location and river view, Expo Tianyue could have won directly.坦白來說,憑藉得天獨厚的地段和一線江景,世博天悅本可以直接躺贏的。However, Poly Expo Tianyue still injected inestimable efforts in quality, with excellent quality just positive, win the market at the same time, but also won the reputation.但是,保利世博天悅依舊在品質方面注入了難以估量的心血,以過硬品質剛正面,贏得市場的同時,也贏得了口碑。Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔22Three unique achievements spire lot三大唯一性成就塔尖地段Planning uniqueness規劃唯一性Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Shanghai Pudong Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ First of all, Expo Binjiang and Poly Expo Tianyue are located in the central activity area by the Huangpu River!上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔首先,世博濱江及保利世博天悅位於黃浦江畔的中央活動區!As an important representative of the future development of Shanghai, the Central activity District will assume an important role of the core functions of the global city, become a concentrated display area of the city image, inject new vitality and momentum into the development of the city, and can be called the "center of the city center".中央活動區作爲上海未來發展的重要代表,將承擔起全球城市核心功能的重要角色,成爲城市形象的集中展示區域,爲城市的發展注入新的活力和動力,堪稱“市中心的中心”。Here to say an aside, even the well-known riverside Arc de Triomphe is not within the scope of CAZ, and the level of Poly Expo Tianyue is self-evident這裡說句題外話,就連大家熟知的濱江凱旋門,都不在CAZ範圍內,保利世博天悅的能級不言而喻了吧~



Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔In Shanghai's "Huangpu River Coastal Area Construction Plan (2018-2035)", it is clear that "according to the development needs of the core functions of the international metropolis and the resources and development situation of various sections along the river, the overall structure of" three sections and two centers "will be formed along the Huangpu River.在上海《黃浦江沿岸地區建設規劃(2018-2035)》中明確:“根據國際大都市核心功能發展需求以及沿江各區段資源與發展態勢,在黃浦江沿岸形成“三段兩中心”的總體結構。”Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔Three segments: upstream segment, core segment, downstream segment;三段:上游段、核心段、下游段;Two centers: "Bund - Lujiazui - North Bund area", "Expo - Front Beach - Xuhui Riverside area".兩中心:“外灘-陸家嘴-北外灘地區”、“世博-前灘-徐匯濱江地區”。



Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔



Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔At the same time, the Expo Binjiang, where Poly Expo Tianyue is located, has been fully upgraded to the main center of the city!同時,保利世博天悅所在的世博濱江已經全面升級爲城市主中心!On March 26, the Land market Symposium of Pudong New Area announced that by 2035, Pudong will also add the "Expo - Qiantan City main center" and add three new urban sub-centers: Zhangjiang, Jinqiao and Chuansha.3月26日,浦東新區土地市場座談會公佈:至2035年,浦東還將新增“世博-前灘城市主中心”,新增張江、金橋、川沙3個城市副中心。From a literal point of view, the planning level of the city's main center has completely surpassed the sub-central areas of Xujiahui, Huamu, Zhangjiang and other cities, so that the Expo riverside level has been further upgraded, and will become a world-class waterfront area with global influence.城市主中心,從字面意義上來看,規劃能級已經完全超越徐家彙、花木、張江等城市副中心區域,使世博濱江能級進一步升級,將成爲具備全球影響力的世界級濱水區。



Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔Uniqueness of river view江景唯一性Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔As we mentioned earlier, Shanghai's front-line riverside luxury homes are the ceiling of Shanghai's asset value.前面我們也提到,上海一線濱江豪宅就是上海資產價值的天花板。Poly Expo Tianyue is only about 80 meters away from the Huangpu River!保利世博天悅直線距離黃浦江畔僅約80米!(Data source: Baidu map ranging)(數據來源:百度地圖測距)From the map, the project enjoys the same vision and distance with top luxury residential areas such as Tomson Yipin and COFCO Haikai No. 1, and the Huangpu River view is the same frequency line.從地圖來看,項目與湯臣一品和中糧海景壹號等頂豪住區享有相同的視野與距離,同頻一線黃浦江景。



Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔Ecological uniqueness生態唯一性Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office in Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ The south side of Poly Expo Tianyue occupies the only treasure place with "mountains and water" in the central city of Shanghai: Expo Culture Park.上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅南側佔據上海中心城區唯一一個“有山有水”的寶地:世博文化公園。Covering an area of 200 hectares, the Expo Culture Park is already the largest urban park in central Shanghai.世博文化公園佔地200公頃,已經是上海中心城區最大的城市公園。From the perspective of distance, the project is only about 1.5 kilometers away from the Expo Culture Park, which can directly overlook the whole park.從距離來看,項目直線距離世博文化公園僅約1.5公里,可直接俯瞰整個公園。In terms of scale, the Expo Culture Park covers an area 1.25 times that of London's Hyde Royal Garden, 1.42 times that of Century Park, and 2.94 times that of Daning Park!從規模來看,世博文化公園的佔地面積是倫敦海德皇家花園的1.25倍,是世紀公園的1.42倍,是大寧公園的2.94倍!



Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔More importantly, the Expo Culture Park also has the only "mountain view" in the central city of Shanghai.更重要的是,世博文化公園還擁有上海中心城區內唯一“山景”。The largest landmark landscape in the park, "Twin Mountains", is composed of two mountains of varying heights, the highest peak is about 48 meters, and it is also the first hollow artificial imitation of natural forests with a height of more than 40 meters in China.公園內最大標誌性景觀“雙子山”,由兩座高度不等的山體組成,最高峰約48米,也是國內第一座高度超過40米的空腔人工仿自然山林。33All dimensional Spire resources gather at the Expo全維度塔尖資源薈萃世博The Expo Binjiang, where Poly Expo Tianyue is located, brings together the essence of Shanghai's cultural life.保利世博天悅所在的世博濱江,匯聚了上海文化生活的精髓。World art heights世界藝術高地Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Poly World Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly World Expo Tianyue project is surrounded by 13 world-class large-scale cultural venues, with a performance space of more than 60,000 seats.上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅項目周邊坐擁13座世界頂級大型文化場館,展演空間體量超過6萬坐席。Including: Mercedes Benz Cultural Exhibition Center, BMW Cultural Experience Center, China Art Palace, Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Exhibition Center, Shanghai Grand Opera House, World Expo Grand Stage, International Sports Center, World Flower Garden, Greenhouse Garden and China's first permanent equestrian arena of international top competition standards - the International Equestrian Center and other ecological function venues.包括:梅德塞斯奔馳文化展示中心、BMW汽車文化體驗中心、中華藝術宮、上海世博展覽館、上海大歌劇院、世博大舞臺、萬國體育中心、世界花卉園、溫室花園以及中國首座國際頂級賽事標準的永久性馬術賽場館——國際馬術中心等生態功能場館。



Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔According to statistics, the Expo area hosts more than 700 large-scale cultural and sports events each year, accounting for 40% of the total number of events in Pudong and 18% of the total number of events in Shanghai, attracting more than 10 million passengers every year!據統計,世博地區每年承辦的大型文體活動場次超過700場,佔據浦東總活動數量的40%,佔據全上海總活動數量的18%,每年吸引客流超千萬人次!It is worth mentioning that more than 20 art galleries will be built in the Xuhui Riverside on the opposite side of the Expo, across the river from the Expo.值得一提的是,世博對岸的徐匯濱江將集中建設20多座藝術美術館,與世博濱江隔江相望。More importantly, Shanghai is actively planning the construction of the first cross-river cable car, which will cross the Huangpu River, connecting the west bank of Xuhui and the riverside section of the Expo, so as to create a world-class top luxury art belt, showing the unique charm and artistic style of the Huangpu River.更重要的是,上海市正積極籌劃建設首條跨江纜車,該纜車將橫跨黃浦江,連接徐匯西岸與世博濱江板塊,從而打造一條世界級的頂奢藝術帶,展現黃浦江畔的獨特魅力與藝術風采。

Schematic drawing示意圖Global headquarters cluster全球總部集羣Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel ☎ :上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:The former World Expo has injected the background of the gathering of world cultures into the region. Today, the Expo section not only contains diversified centers of culture, art, expo, international sports, etc., but also benefits from the functional positioning of CAZ headquarters economy, developing into the headquarters of central enterprises, the gathering area of international enterprises and the second government affairs office center of Pudong.400-9939-964✔✔✔曾經的萬國博覽的盛會爲區域注入了世界文化匯聚的底色,如今的世博板塊不僅包含文化、藝術、博覽、國際體育等多元化中心,還受益於CAZ集聚總部經濟的功能定位,發展成爲央企總部、國際企業聚集區和浦東第二政務辦公中心。



Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔Two Bridges, two tunnels and four subways兩橋兩隧四地鐵Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Pudong Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue is about 670 meters away from Pudong Inner Ring straight line and 4.5 kilometers away from Lujiazui straight line.上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅距離浦東內環直線約670米,離陸家嘴直線距離約4.5公里。The surrounding road network is extremely developed, "two Bridges, two tunnels and four subways" (Nanpu Bridge, Lupu Bridge, Xizang South Road and Dapu Road tunnel, Line 6, 7, 8, 19), the west side is adjacent to Shibo Avenue, the east side is adjacent to Xueye Road周邊路網極爲發達,“兩橋兩隧四地鐵”(南浦大橋、盧浦大橋、西藏南路及打浦路隧道、6、7、8、19號線),西側比鄰世博大道、東側比鄰雪野路The project is only about 300 meters away from Huafeng Road station of Line 19, and can be linked to other landmarks in Shanghai such as Lujiazui and North Bund, making it a convenient commute項目距離19號線華豐路站僅約300多米,可鏈接陸家嘴、北外灘等上海其他地標方向,便捷通勤處處快人一步【 Poly Expo Tianyue 】【保利世博天悅】Expo Binjiang plate overlooking the river mansion世博濱江板塊 瞰江大宅The top team in the industry is committed業內頂尖團隊傾情投入Spent billions of dollars to build斥資百億重金打造Central active area planning dividend中央活動區規劃紅利Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office Tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: ☎ : 400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔The building surface is about 174㎡ ~ 400㎡建面約174㎡~400㎡Hardcover 3 ~ 4 rooms精裝3房~4房The model room is open樣板間開放中Online booking Poly Expo Tianyue sales office tel: 400-9939-964✔✔✔ Poly Expo Tianyue Official phone: 400-9939-964✔✔線上預約看房保利世博天悅售樓處電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔保利世博天悅官方電話:400-9939-964✔✔✔上海浦東保利世博天悅售樓處電話☎:400-9939-964✔✔✔

