First record! Five glossy ibises are spotted at the Haifeng Wetlands

Recently, staff members of the Guangdong Haifeng Avian Natural Reserve recorded the presence of five glossy ibises, a species under national first-level protection. According to the Forestry Administration of Guangdong Province, this is the first discovery of these rare birds in Haifeng and even the wider Shanwei region, marking an important milestone in bird research in Guangdong.

The glossy ibis is a wild bird species under national first-level protection, a medium-sized wading bird measuring approximately 50cm to 70cm in length. Its head is feathered except for the bare facial skin, and its overall plumage is glossy chestnut-brown. The upper back, wings, and tail are dark coppery-green, while the forehead and area around the eyes turn white during the breeding season. It has a long, downward-curved black beak and long legs with bare lower parts, which are yellow-brown in color.

Reporters observed through a monitor that the glossy ibises were seen walking near the wetlands, foraging in the water, or soaring in a V formation across the sky. "Haifeng Wetlands have welcomed new visitors. As of now, 251 bird species have been recorded within the reserve," said staff from the Guangdong Haifeng Avian Natural Reserve Administrative Office.

According to Zhang Qiang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, glossy ibises are distributed globally but are not abundant in China. They were once extinct in China for nearly 70 years until rediscovered in Sichuan in 2009. Since then, they have been sighted in Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and other places. In recent years, glossy ibises have also appeared in Zhuhai, Dongguan, Zhanjiang, Huizhou, and other parts of Guangdong, but there have been no signs of breeding within the province yet.

"The presence of glossy ibises in Shanwei once again demonstrates the continuous improvement of Guangdong's ecology. Currently, there has been a significant increase in the number of newly recorded and newly distributed migratory bird populations in the province," said a person in charge from the Forestry Administration of Guangdong Province, "Guangdong has recorded 584 species of wild birds, with 412 species possessing migratory characteristics."

Source :Yangcheng Evening News







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