激進左翼襲擊「挺川遊行」 伊凡卡怒批:沉默的主流媒體夠可恥!

川普支持者14日於華盛頓舉辦「讓美國再次偉大的百萬大遊行」(Million MAGA March)。(圖/達志影像美聯社


美國總統川普聲稱選舉有舞弊情形,不僅引發衆多議論,忠誠支持者14日也走上華盛頓街頭抗議大選不公,然而,晚間卻有激進左翼人士襲擊示威者警方趕到現場維持秩序。事後主流媒體卻鮮少有相關報導,不僅川普發文抨擊,第一千金伊凡卡(Ivanka Trump)也在推特發出指責。


The media’s near total silence about the physical violence being perpetrated against conservatives is shameful & dangerous. Just image the outrage and indignation if this went the other way. Violence is never the answer and instigators must be condemned and prosecuted.

此外,伊凡卡哥哥、川普長子唐納(Donald Trump Jr.)也直指, 4年來把川普支持者塑造成納粹分子,如今卻對激進左派作爲保持沉默的主流媒體,正是這起暴力事件共犯,是惡中之惡。

The media’s silence on the violence against Trump supporters is deafening. After four years of calling them Nazis, at this point they might as well just dox them all or add the to AOC’s lists for the Gulags. They are complicit in the violence. They are the worst of the worst.

支持川普的保守派人士14日於華盛頓舉行「讓美國再次偉大的百萬大遊行」(Million MAGA March),包含驕傲男孩(Proud Boys)與誓言守護者(Oath Keepers)等極右翼組織都參加了遊行。而左派團體反法西斯運動」(Antifa)、「黑命貴運動」(Black Lives Matter)以及自稱無政府主義者卻發動襲擊,有許多示威者因此受傷、流血,而美國主流媒體卻鮮少報導此事。

