快訊/美科羅拉多州賣場「步槍手開火」! 特警隊和大批警力進駐
Police have king Soopers surrounded- multiple shooters inside #bouldershooting #kingSoopers @9NEWS #breaking news #bouldercolorado stay out of the area! @cnnbrk @dailycamera #911 pic.twitter.com/4ib9BRboQv
美國科羅拉多州警方獲報,圓石市的「King Soopers」百貨內有一名正在行動中的槍手,並派遣大量員警和特別警隊趕往現場。
一名執法人員接受「ABC News」訪問指出,大量員警獲報有人在該間百貨外的空曠停車場上開槍,立即趕往現場後遭遇槍手,對方直接朝他們開火。
HAPPENING NOW: massive law enforcement surrounding King Soopers on table Mesa Road in Boulder following a shooting @CPRNews pic.twitter.com/x6dFPVQYCp
An "active shooter" has been reported at a King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, Colorado. There are reports of injuries, but no further details are currently available. https://t.co/OHzyyLKiCo pic.twitter.com/yF3H2NzT6Y
消息指出,該名槍手持有的是長槍,並非手槍。目前回報多名人員受傷,但目前尚無進一步消息。多個執法機關人員儘速趕至現場,包括特種武器和戰術部隊(SWAT team)。