鹿頭卡大紅塑膠罐5天又渴又餓 他撲上拍掉還自由被猛踹


美國長島一隻鹿頭上照着紅色塑膠桶,卡住已經好幾天了,無法進食、喝水也看不清楚眼前,牠的身體越來越虛弱,而動物救援隊Strong Island Animal Rescue League的志工們決定要救牠。




For days multiple rescuers and rescues from Long Island had gotten together to help a full grown doe with a pretzel bucket on her head in Rocky Point. Days without food and water meant a slow death of starvation and dehydration. This morning Frankie received a text from his friend saying the deer was in his yard! It’s a small world on Long Island! A few Strong Island members went to the address along with other rescuers. Frankie saw his window of opportunity and moved in. The deer attempted to flee but Frankie briefly overpowered her and removed the bucket. She took off like a bullet and is now able to eat and drink freely. We are eternally grateful to see the unity among rescuers and the support everyone shows. Thank you so much to everyone who helped out. This was a huge success for this animal. PLEASE! When recycling put the lid on all containers! Animals lives depend on it! We are 100% volunteers and rely on the donations from the public to continue our work. To donate: https://strong-island-animal-rescue-league.myshopify.com/pages/donate-today