美航客機撞黑鷹直升機墜河 川普記者會默哀:無人生還
美國一架搭載64人的客機昨晚在雷根華盛頓國家機場附近與一架美軍黑鷹直升機在空中相撞,雙雙墜入波多馬克河(Potomac River)。總統川普今天證實,這起事件無人生還。
法新社報導,川普(Donald Trump)在白宮表示:「今天早上,我在我國的悲痛時刻向你們發表講話。」
這架客機是美國航空(AA)子公司PSA航空公司(PSA Airlines)執飛的龐巴迪(Bombardier)區域客機,從堪薩斯州威契塔(Wichita)起飛,昨晚9時左右在雷根華盛頓國家機場(Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport)準備進場時與一架UH-60黑鷹(Black Hawk)直升機在空中相撞。
"We're here for you to wipe away the tears and to offer you our devotion, our love and support."President Trump delivers a message to the victims' loved ones after a deadly midair collision of an American Airlines plane and Army helicopter. pic.twitter.com/30Swhvkup0
FOX NEWS FIRST: Black Hawk Army chopper crashes into American Airlines flight near DC and more top headlines https://t.co/FPPcdCJwGm
First responders stand in solemn honor as they carry the flag-draped remains of an unidentified victim recovered after a midair collision between an American Airlines flight and a Black Hawk helicopter. Officials now say they expect no survivors. pic.twitter.com/dumQdqgoHc