Pocket Network爲Web3創建強大的開源基礎架構層!

Pocket Network是一個爲Web3應用程序構建的分佈式API基礎設施,提供了無需信任的API層,可以輕鬆訪問任何區塊鏈。

項目旨在構建一個完整的區塊鏈節點分佈式網絡,通過Pocket API提供的無需信任協議,開發者可以無縫地訪問這些節點,結合加密經濟激勵措施打造DAO生態系統。Pocket Network 通過分佈式網絡聚合供需並降低成本,創建了強大的開源基礎架構層。


4月23號晚上7點,Michael O'Rourke,Co-Founder and CEO of Pocket Network,親臨Value100爲我們逐一解答。


小黃:對本羣的小夥伴來說,Pocket Network可能大家瞭解得不多,所以,能先請您給我們簡單介紹一下 Pocket嗎?

Can you give a short introduction of Pocket?

Michael :Sure! Pocket Network is a protocol that incentivizes full nodes to provide infrastructure for web3 applications. Pocket is it’s own independent blockchain. You can think of it like Uniswap for blockchain infrastructure - instead of having to depend on unreliable centralized companies to provide this critical data, they can use Pocket Network for much stronger guarantees on reliability and cost.

Pocket Network是一個協議,旨在鼓勵全節點爲web3應用程序提供基礎設施。Pocket就是我們獨有的區塊鏈。你可以把它想象成區塊鏈基礎設施的Uniswap——而無需依賴不可靠的中心化公司來提供關鍵數據, Pocket Network可以在可靠性和成本有效性上爲用戶提供更強的保障。

小黃:是什麼原因促使您創建了Pocket Network?另外Pocket的發展願景又是什麼?

What inspired you to found Pocket Network? What is your goal with Pocket?

Michael :We began thinking about and working on Pocket Network in late 2016. As 2017 came along, we saw all these amazing applications being built handling thousands of users at once, constantly refreshing pages and generating millions of requests for blockchain information like balances and smart contract information.

我們在2016年末考慮並開始創建Pocket Network。隨着2017年的到來,我們看到所有這些令人驚歎的應用程序都在同時處理成千上萬的用戶請求,需要不斷刷新頁面才能生成包括餘額和智能合約信息在內的百萬級區塊鏈信息請求。

To be able to handle all of this traffic, decentralized applications resorted to using third party services to handle the work, and as a result, we’ve seen a concentration of just a few providers handling all of the blockchain data we see on our dapps today.


We saw these unstoppable blockchains having points of control and centralization floating on top of them, and designed Pocket Network to be a better option to build on. All of this data requires one thing in the end, and that is full nodes. All of the smart contract data for these applications we use every day live on full nodes.

我們發現在區塊鏈上浮動着控制點和中心點,並決定將Pocket Network設計爲一款更好的產品。所有這些數據最終目標只有一個,即滿節點。我們每天使用的這些應用程序的所有智能合約數據都運行在完整節點上。

As we see crypto really become mainstream across the world, the need for data across the thousands of blockchains being released is only going to exponentially increase. We expect Pocket to be the fabric of infrastructure for every blockchain in existence.



What are the main advantages of Pocket over these other infrastructure solutions?

Michael :We’re fundamentally different from other infrastructure solutions as we’re a decentralized protocol rather than a centralized Infrastructure-as-a-Service provider.


This allows us to have 100% uptime with nodes distributed across the globe. While centralized infrastructure has additional overhead costs (redundancy, middleman tax), Pocket Network does not and passes along those benefits to the end user.

這使我們能夠對分佈在全球的節點擁有100%的正常運行時間。中心化基礎設施有額外的開銷成本(冗餘、中間商稅),但Pocket Network沒有,並能將這些好處傳遞給最終用戶。


How do you view Web3.0 and how does Pocket solve its problems?

Michael :Web3.0 is the natural next step in terms of human innovation, but a majority of the blockchain industry is still at the Web2 stage.


What I mean by that is while we have amazing projects with decentralized front ends, open source code, etc. an overwhelming majority of them still run on AWS or another centralized infrastructure.


For example, research (2019) from Chainstack showed that over 60% of Ethereum nodes are running in the cloud, with nearly 25% via AWS. This represents a major single point of failure, especially when cloud platform monopolies experience downtime from outages or bugs.


Pocket combats the trend of blockchain node centralization with $POKT full-node incentivizes. Because of load-balancing and session tumbling at the protocol level, node operators find the optimal strategy to earn more POKT is to horizontally scale their node operations by spinning up more nodes in order to capture more opportunities for work.


Do you remember what happened on November 11th, 2020? Infura went offline, taking down a bunch of Ethereum applications offline with it.


People who added a Pocket-powered RPC endpoint in their MetaMask wallet were still able to transact and interact with Ethereum. This is because node operators are incentivized to maintain their base layer nodes and provide applications the best chain tip (i.e. correct data by majority).



What sets your token economics apart from other decentralized infrastructure solutions? What can users of Pocket Network find there that they can't find elsewhere?

Michael :To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a project like ours that is trying to be a decentralized multi-chain infrastructure protocol.


Our token economics is bleeding-edge, redefining how applications pay for blockchain infrastructure:


We enable projects to transform their infrastructure costs from a monthly sunken cost to a one-time POKT bond that can be recovered at any time by unstaking POKT, then selling on a secondary market


For context, users stake POKT for a certain amount of network request bandwidth (relay throughput). Here’s an example: 25,000 POKT equals about 1,000,000 requests per day. This would cost roughly 250 per month for an DApp developer using Infura.

也就是說,用戶可以通過質押POKT來獲得一定數量的網絡請求帶寬(中繼吞吐量)。舉個例子,25,000 個POKT約相當於日均1,000,000次中繼請求。對於使用Infura的去中心化應用程序開發者來說,大約每月成本是250美元。

As their daily relay requests needs grow, developers can unstake and then restake more POKT to increase their daily allocated relay throughput.


Alternatively, an app developer could leverage our gateway’s load-balancing feature to stake POKT in an additional Application Authentication Token (AAT) then map that to a load-balanced endpoint to add more network bandwidth to whichever blockchain their application needs access to.


This further splits the work of serving application requests across multiple sessions with even more nodes to scale alongside it.


Pocket Network leverages near-zero marginal costs. The longer an application stays staked and uses the protocol, the more value they extract and the closer their costs approaches zero. After a few months, the service basically is free!

Pocket Network的邊際成本近乎於零。應用程序選擇質押的時間越長,其使用協議的時間就越長,其能獲得的價值也就越大,其成本就越接近於零。幾個月後,服務基本上就是免費的了!

小黃:什麼是wrapped POKT? 它有何特色?

What is wrapped POKT? And why wrapped POKT?

Michael :Wrapped POKT (wPOKT) is an ERC20 equivalent of our POKT token (backed 1:1), allowing DeFi users and farmers to crowdsource infrastructure for Ethereum (and other blockchain) applications.

Wrapped POKT (wPOKT)是我們的POKT通證跨到以太坊的ERC20等價物(1:1對應),它可以爲DeFi用戶和礦工提供以太坊(和其他區塊鏈)應用程序基礎設施的衆包服務。

Pocket Network is a developer-driven, blockchain-agnostic protocol that goes to where the developers are - and with the overwhelming majority of projects on Ethereum, we simply followed to provide unstoppable infrastructure.

Pocket Network是一種由開發者驅動的泛區塊鏈協議,旨在滿足開發者的需求,併爲以太坊中的絕大多數項目提供勢不可擋的基礎設施。

wPokt allows Pocket to bridge to the Ethereum DeFi ecosystem, increases Pocket liquidity and brings more applications to Pocket Network. wPOKT becomes a standardised ERC20 token and can leverage the benefits of Ethereum smart contracts


小黃:我們如何獲得wrapped Pokt (wPOKT)代幣?

How can people acquire wrapped Pokt (wPOKT)?

Michael :At the moment, wPOKT is still under development and scheduled for release sometime this quarter. When we do launch, users will be able to get wPOKT through a LBP on Balancer.



For the public sale, you are doing a Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP), can share details of that?

Michael :Sure! Essentially a LBP is like any other liquidity pool you would see on DEX’s like Uniswap or Sushiswap. However the ratio between wPOKT/DAI (our reserve token of choice) isn’t at 50/50, rather it’s always changing.


In the beginning, the ratio maybe 10 wPOKT to 1 DAI but the curve is continually adjusted to perhaps be 2 wPOKT to 1 DAI by the end of the distribution event. We talk in length about our LBP in this article, and users interested in knowing more about LBP’s in general can read documentation provided by Balancer here https://docs.balancer.finance/guides/smart-pool-templates-gui/liquidity-bootstrapping-pool

初期,這個比率可能是10 wPOKT比1 DAI,但到派發事件結束時,曲線可能會不斷調整爲2 wPOKT比1 DAI。我們在本文中詳述了LBP的相關內容,點擊瞭解更多信息。


Users who are unable to participate in the LBP will be able to purchase wPOKT just like any other ERC20 token on DEX’s like Uniswap, Sushiswap, 1inch, etc.


小黃:聽說您最近會推出wrapped pocket質押項目,可以給我們就該項目基本情況和參與方式做簡單的介紹嗎?

You've recently announced the launch of the wrapped pocket staking program. What is this program and how can others get involved?

Michael :Our data farming program is the first ever “regen finance” program. Immediately after the wPOKT LBP starts, those who purchase wPOKT through the token distribution event will be able to take it and stake it in the first farm, which represents daily network request bandwidth (relay throughput) for a basket of applications.

我們的數據礦場項目是史上首個“再生金融”項目。wPOKT LBP啓動後,那些通過代幣分發事件購買wPOKT的投資者們就能參與其中並進行質押,這代表了一籃子應用程序的每日網絡請求帶寬(中繼吞吐量)。

Instead of bootstrapping liquidity, you can think of it as a bootstrapping or crowdsourcing mechanism for applications’ infrastructure access by Web3 users.


By staking wPOKT on behalf of these applications and subsidizing their infrastructure costs, farmers will be able to earn yield in wPOKT. The longer a farmer stays staked the more they earn. They are naturally incentivized to stake for long periods of time in order to unlock wPOKT reward bonus multipliers for maximum of 3x.


For example, staking wPOKT for an entire month gives you a 2x multiplier ad staking for two months provides a 3x multiplier.


The program encourages users to spread the word of Pocket Network so they can potentially earn additional yield. Every time a new application is onboarded to the program, a new application-specific farm will be created which provides a new opportunity for farmers to earn more wPOKT. Each farm may have different yield rates, too.

該計劃鼓勵用戶爲Pocket Network做宣傳,這樣他們就有可能獲得額外收益。每當有新的應用程序加入到計劃之中,新的特定礦場就會被建成,這爲礦工們提供了賺取更多wPOKT的新方法。每個礦場的產量可能會有所差異。


How can a project that is interested in decentralized infrastructure get involved?

Michael :For projects interested in having an unstoppable decentralized infrastructure for their backend, please fill out this form to get early access to our dashboard:




What are your milestones for the rest of this year?

Michael :We recently crossed 1 billion relays serviced, which was a big milestone for us considering our mainnet launch was less than a year ago. The network has also grown to ~3400+ nodes!

近日,我們的中繼總量已經成功突破10億大關。對於一個推出時間不到一年的主網來說,這一成績具有着非凡的意義。目前,Pocket Network中的節點量也已突破3400個!

Other milestones for the rest of the year include the launch of wPOKT, our Privacy-focused Dashboard, support for more blockchains / layer 2 solutions, DAO-approved exchange listings, as well as, major protocol upgrades Pocket Core RC-0.6.1 & RC-0.7.0.

此外,我們還將發佈wPOKT,增強隱私保護的控制面板,提供更多支持區塊鏈/layer2的解決方案,推出Pocket DAO 選定的交易所,以及完成包括Pocket Core RC-0.6.1和RC-0.7.0在內的主要協議升級。



What are the economics and what is the burn mechanism of POKT? If you buy and stake POKT, how does staking apply for each type of user?

Michael :The growth of the POKT supply is directly proportional to the number of application requests (relays) being processed by nodes. For every relay served and validated, 0.01 POKT is minted by Pocket validator nodes.


The “Growth Phase” of Pocket Network is characterized as a period with relatively high rewards as well as an increase in the POKT supply designed to subsidize the bootstrapping of the network from both a node and application perspective. Once the relay growth rate starts to decrease, Pocket will enter the “Maturity Phase”.

Pocket Network的“成長期”的特點是有相對高的回報期,並通過增加POKT供應量以從節點和應用的角度提供自舉激勵。一旦中繼增長率開始下降,Pocket就將進入“成熟期”。

At this point, the Pocket DAO can decide to institute the Application Burn Rate (ABR). This burns a developers’ stake to offset future inflation. The ABR basically caps the total amount of POKT, ensuring a network equilibrium where minty rate and burn rate are equal.

此時,Pocket DAO可以決定建立應用程序燃燒率(ABR),以此來銷燬開發者的質押從而抵消未來的通脹。ABR基本上限制了POKT的總量,確保了網絡的平衡,其中鑄造率和焚燬率是相等的。

From here on out, application developers essentially pay through dilution while node rummers earn through inflation.


The Pocket DAO also has the discretion to increase or decrease the mint over time to either encourage node infrastructure bootstrapping or control the glut of nodes on the network.

Pocket DAO還可以酌情調整鑄幣量,以鼓勵節點基礎設施啓動或控制網絡上的節點過剩。

Nodes can be slashed for bad behavior. If slashing events like serving incorrect data or incorrect block validation drive a node's stake below the minimum stake over time, then the node’s entire stake will be entirely burned.


If you buy and stake POKT, how does staking apply for each type of user?

如果買入並質押POKT, 如何實現價值的長期增值

Pocket Network is a two-sided marketplace between application developers consuming blockchain data requests and node operators servicing those relays.

Pocket Network是一個雙向市場,應用程序開發人員使用區塊鏈數據請求,節點運營商爲這些中繼提供服務。

Apps stake POKT in exchange for a desired amount of daily network bandwidth (relay throughput) of a blockchain, such as Ethereum or Avalanche or Solana (or all three if a multi-chain application).


Nodes stake POKT in order to receive the right to participate in Pocket’s work economy of relaying application requests and PoS consensus of validating blocks. Nodes can be slashed for bad behavior.


These two-sided tokenomics between apps and nodes reduce the available POKT in circulation.



How many tokens have been minted and how many are in circulation?On which exchanges are the tokens issued?

Michael :Since launch, Pocket has successfully served roughly 1 Billion relays. That means node operators in Pocket Network have minted an estimated 10 million POKT in network revenue.

自發布以來,Pocket的中繼服務量已經成功突破了了10億次。這意味着Pocket Network的節點運營商已經創造了約1000萬POKT的網絡收入。

The initial supply at genesis was 650M POKT tokens. Out of the ~660M POKT in the total supply, about 297M POKT has been staked by nodes and applications in Pocket Network. That’s nearly 222.75M USD in total locked value in staked POKT tokens.

初期的供應量爲6.5億個POKT代幣。在總供應的約6.6億POKT中,約2.97億POKT已被Pocket Network的節點和應用所質押。POKT代幣鎖定價值總計近22275萬美元。

You can check out the live network statistics with this community-built tool:



On which exchanges are the tokens issued?


POKT is not available on exchanges yet. However, the Pocket DAO recently voted and approved for a committee to pursue exchange listings.

POKT目前尚未上線交易所。但近日Pocket DAO投票批准了委員會提交的發行提議

A wPOKT LBP will be available to participate in this quarter. The data farming program is to be simultaneously launched alongside the wPOKT LBP. So participants would be able to stake wPOKT behalf of applications in the first farm and earn a yield for subsidizing the blockchain network bandwidth for that initial basket of applications. As new applications are onboarded, app-specific farms can be planted.

wPOKT LBP將在本季度正式啓動,數據挖礦計劃也將同期開展。因此,參與者將能夠代表首個挖礦應用程序投資wPOKT代幣,並通過補貼最初一籃子應用程序的區塊鏈網絡帶寬獲得收益。隨着新應用的出現,可以就特定的應用進行挖礦。

第三位來自“荒唐”的提問:Pocket Network可以通過什麼方式產生利潤/收入來維持您的項目,其收入模型是什麼?它如何使投資者和您的項目雙贏?

How does Pocket Network generate profit/revenue to sustain the protocol, and what is its revenue model?

Michael :Of the POKT minted, 89% goes to service nodes, 1% goes to block producers, and 10% goes to the Pocket DAO.

89%的POKT代幣流向了服務節點,1%流向區塊生產者,10%則流向了Pocket DAO。

The Pocket DAO funds were fully unlocked at launch. too. By vote, POKT is distributed to project proposals via DAO grants. A recently passed proposal was wPOKT LBP and Data Farming program!

Pocket DAO的資金在發佈時完全解鎖。經過投票,POKT通過DAO的贈款分發給項目提案。最近通過的一項提案是wPOKT LBP與數據挖礦計劃!

This growth mechanism will drive more relays to the protocol, which means more network revenue to be distributed among service nodes, validators, and the Pocket DAO.

這種增長機制將推動協議中中繼量的增長,這意味着更多的網絡收入將被分配給服務節點、驗證器和Pocket DAO。

Applications developers and node operators are encouraged to become DAO members in order to vote on proposals and steward the protocol forward.


第四位來自“追劇小男孩.”:黑客導致的黑天鵝事件層出不窮,那麼Pocket Network在安全性上,能否突破目前的區塊鏈瓶頸呢?

Black Swan events caused by hackers emerge consistently. Given this context, how will Pocket Network break through the current bottleneck in blockchain in terms of security?

Michael :As mentioned earlier, a black swan event did occur in the Ethereum Ethereum ecosystem when Infura went offline for a handful of hours last year. This was due to a consensus bug that affected specific versions of Geth. Because so many applications and services depend heavily on Infura, a majority of them were brought down with Infura. It’s one of many single points of failures that plague centralized providers.


This didn’t affect MetaMask users who added a Pocket-powered RPC Ethereum endpoint to their wallet. They were still able to transact and interact with DApps or Smart Contracts. This is because Pocket Network node runners have a diversity of Ethereum clients (Geth, OpenEthereum, Nethermind, or TurboGeth) . It makes for a more resilient, unstoppable network service!

此類事故並不會影響到那些將Pocket RPC以太坊端點添加到錢包中的MetaMask用戶。他們仍然能夠與DApps或智能合約進行交易和交互。這是因爲Pocket Network節點運行者擁有多種以太坊客戶端(Geth、OpenEthereum、Nethermind或TurboGeth)。它使網絡服務更具彈性,勢不可擋!

Pocket Network is unchallenged on the privacy front, too.

Pocket Network在隱私方面也十分安全。

Every hour an application gets automatically paired in a session with 5 random nodes from the network. This adds a layer of obfuscation valued by privacy-orientated apps or services. The privacy can be amplified by mapping additional AATs to load-balanced endpoints and spreading the work more evenly across the network throughout multiple sessions. It ensures that only a portion of nodes are getting a portion of the total data, so no single node provider would get the whole picture.



As the middleware of Web3.0, can Pocket connect Web3.0 and Web 2.0 seamlessly? Will Web2.0 be eliminated completely?

Michael :Web2 will not be completely eliminated. But Pocket can certainly be the bridge between web3 and web2 paradigms. It’s uniquely positioned to do so, and provide a boost of decentralization.


Other than blockchains, Pocket can support any public-verifiable open databases.


Imagine POKT full-node incentives for spinning up and running The Onion Router (TOR) nodes!

設想當POKT的全節點激勵機制全面運作之時,洋蔥路由器(Onion Router, TOR)節點也將被運行起來!


Michael :Since launch, Pocket has successfully served roughly 1 Billion relays. That means node operators in Pocket Network have minted an estimated 10 million POKT in network revenue.


The initial supply at genesis was 650M POKT tokens. Out of the ~660M POKT in the total supply, about 297M POKT has been staked by nodes and applications in Pocket Network. That’s nearly 222.75M USD in total locked value in staked POKT tokens.


You can check out the live network statistics with this community-built tool: https://c0d3r.org/NetworkCharts


POKT tokens are distributed to nodes who to the work through inflation. You can think of it like bitcoin mining, but instead of hashing data, you are providing a service to developers and applications all around the world



Michael :What's great is that node runners on Pocket can provide infrastructure through Pocket for traditional industries. They went from trying to build on private blockchains, to public ones like Ethereum now. We already have 2 companies beginning to do this on Pocket, Blockspaces and Skillz
