搶博愛座!亞裔伯辱罵老婦「亞洲人比你們好」 助行器壓她腳

男子要求老婦讓位,最後自己坐到前面的空位。(圖/翻攝自臉書/Chelsea Soriano,下同)




這名亞裔男不僅強烈要求他人讓位,還嘲諷拉美裔不識字,要對方滾回自己的國家,又說亞洲人更加優秀,但他所說的英語聽起來比婦人的還不清楚。上傳影片的切爾西(Chelsea Soriano)寫道,坐着的婦人老了,行走困難,她試圖介入衝突,但被男子告知要她「回到自己原本地方」。




This is NYC for ya. All that shit talking for a seat... Edit: (caption taken from Cris Soriano’s post) So today my family and I were taking the Q32 to Manhattan. Everything was fine until this old Asian man got on and started hassling the woman sitting down to give up her seat. Now this man did not ask nicely he straight up yelled at her asking her if she can read... This woman was old and had trouble walking, only difference is this old man used a walker... So let me finish, on top of yelling at this woman... he started ramming his walker on to this poor woman’s legs. He then told her to get out and go back to her country. Mind you this woman spoke clearer English than he did... AND THENNNN he called us spicks and told us all to go back to where we came from. He also went on a rant about how Asians are better because they pay taxes and they never go to jail. Unlike us brown people... Before yall try to come at us for not helping, we did try. We told the man to just take the seat in front but he was adamant about hers. The woman also kept her ground so she was fine dealing with him, hence her calmness in the video. Can we make this go viral?...