謝沛恩衰戲裡外遭控小三 感情被劈腿2次「要心動很難」
藝人謝沛恩(Aggie)近日被爆出新戀情,對象是大9歲的德國、198公分迦納混血健身教練伊努薩(Inusa Dawuda Jr.)。難得5年沒戀愛的她,一認愛卻爆男友有過一段婚姻,日前更被男方前妻爆料,Aggie是導致夫妻離婚的原因;加上2015年演過《致,第三者》,戲如人生,衰被控小三罵名。但她7日也迴應,「我們關係很健康。」
Aggie於9月因工作到巴黎,兩人透過朋友介紹,藉由微信聯絡。對於男友伊努薩(Inusa Dawuda Jr.),表示對於辦離婚一事都知情,自己沒有介入對方婚姻。如今謝沛恩有了新戀情,Aggie父母都見過他,相談甚歡。對於Aggie男友過去感情,母親賴佩霞反而態度自然,尊重女兒決定,認爲女兒和男友認識不久,對方狀況也不清楚。也表示,如果是單身狀況下交往,性格和得來纔是最重要的,也希望女兒自己判斷。
First of all I would like to apologize to Aggie and all the people that care about her. Initially I felt dealing with this situation myself would be enough, I had no idea that this big misunderstanding would happen in such a short period of time. Due to the false and damaging accusations against Aggie I feel the need to speak up and state the facts.Starting from November 2015, my ex wife demanded the divorce several times. But because of considering our baby girl we had kept trying but failed hopelessly. We kept fighting, and kept separating throughout the entire year of 2016 back and forth. I finally gave up and agreed to a divorce to protect my daughter and to give her a peaceful environment.
The divorce was a mutual agreement and it took time to work out the details including her custody and alimonies.
Family and friends are all aware of the serious issues that were between me and my ex wife. Out of respect to the privacy of my ex wife and daughter, I do not want to disclose any further details. The divorce had nothing to do with Aggie or my relationship with her and any attempts to involve her are inappropriate. If it wouldn't because of the false accusations I would not talk about this family issues he ere neither would aggie know about all these details of my past marriage. Relationships are never easy and can become very complicated and I still have a lot to learn. Thanks for all my friends support! - Inusa
(With my assistants help find below the translation of my statement)