雅思詞彙解析(104)| 香水


September 19 , 2024

2雅思詞彙解析 | | 欄目推送說明





1. perfume /'pɜːfjuːm/

n. 香水

常見搭配:wear; put on; spray perfume 噴香水

e.g. That perfume you’re wearing is very strong.

e.g. She sprayed some perfume on her wrist.

n. 香味

The sweet perfume from the roses came drifting through the window.

The perfume of lilies filled the room.

v. 使…充滿香氣

e.g. Roses perfumed the air.

e.g. The garden was perfumed with the smell of blooming jasmine.

2. note/nəʊt/

n. 香調

top note 前調

middle note 中調

base note 基調

e.g. The perfume's top note is light and fruity, introducing the fragrance with a playful, refreshing burst of apple and pear.

e.g. The delicate floral note of jasmine adds a romantic touch to the overall scent.

e.g. A subtle woody note lingers in the background, grounding the fragrance with a rich earthiness.


fruity adj. 水果味的;果香的

floral adj. 花的

woody adj. 木質的

3. odor /'əʊdə/

n. 氣味

搭配:body odor 體味

A strong; pungent; stale 濃烈的;刺鼻的;發黴的味道

e.g. He uses perfume to mask his body odor.

e.g. I’m not really fond of perfume, especially when people blend it with strong body odor—it often smells pungent.

deodorant (用於除去體味的)除臭劑,解臭劑;

或 body spray

e.g. He carries a small travel-sized deodorant in his bag just in case he needs to freshen up.

e.g. The new deodorant I bought has a subtle lavender scent that lasts all day.

補充:lavender n. 薰衣草

4. mask /mɑːsk/

v. 掩飾;掩蓋

e.g. She tried using perfume to mask the bad odor.

e.g. She used perfume to mask the smell of smoke on her clothes.

e.g. They played loud music to mask the sound of construction outside.

5. linger /'lɪŋgə/

v. 繼續留存

e.g. The smell of her perfume lingered.

e.g. The pleasant scent of the flowers continued to linger in the room long after they were gone.

adj. lingering 綿延的;逗留不去的

e.g. The lingering note of vanilla in the perfume gave it a warm and comforting finish.
