

Waiting for the Hare


Once upon a time, there was a farmer who worked hard every day in his fields, hoping to harvest abundant crops. He diligently tilled the soil, cared for the plants, and looked forward to a fruitful harvest in the fall.


One day, while the farmer was working in the field, he looked up and saw a hare sprinting quickly towards a large tree on the edge of his field. The hare accidentally collided with the tree trunk, was severely injured, and fell to the ground. The farmer was amazed because he had never seen anything like it.


The farmer picked up the hare and found it had already died. He considered this a stroke of luck because he had fresh hare meat without having to hunt for it. He thought to himself, “If I wait by this tree every day, perhaps more hares will crash into it, and I won't have to work so hard in the fields anymore.”


So, from that day on, the farmer decided to sit by the large tree every day and wait. He put down his farm tools, took a grass mat, and sat under the tree, hoping another hare would run into it. However, day after day, the farmer waited for a long time, but never saw any hare crash into the tree again.


Meanwhile, the farmer’s fields became increasingly neglected because he no longer tended to them. Weeds grew wild, and the crops no longer flourished. The farmer could have harvested abundant crops, but he lost the opportunity for a good harvest because of his laziness and unrealistic expectations. He began to regret his decision and realized that he should have continued to work diligently instead of relying solely on chance.