阿榮福利味/Wise Folder Hider - 資料夾上鎖隱藏工具


檔案資料夾、隨身碟隱藏工具 - Wise Folder Hider,只要將想要隱藏的檔案或資料夾拖放到該軟體介面空白處,就可以自動隱藏!除了軟體開啓時需要設定密碼之外,還可以針對單項隱藏的標的物設定第二道密碼,檔案一經隱藏就只能透過此軟體來取消隱藏,而且無法透過DOS指令或者是檔案總管來存取,是個相當不錯的免費檔案保護工具!(阿榮)

Wise Folder Hider is a free file/folder hiding tool. User can use it to hide files and folders on local partitions or removable devices.The data can't be accessed by other programs or on other operating systems such as DOS. The only way to access or unhide these data is to enter the valid password. However, this application is designed for home use only but not recommended for commercial settings which require stricter confidentiality.

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