然而,「川澤會」中,有個很好體現澤倫斯基英語能力的時刻。當川普對澤倫斯基說「You don't have the cards right now.」(你現在手上沒有籌碼。)時,澤倫斯基立刻迴應「We're not playing cards.」(我們又不是在打牌。)這展現出澤倫斯基對英語的高度掌握,以及應對能力的迅速。
其中,要求臺灣中油等國營企業購買美國天然氣,則相對容易推動;而購買美國軍武,則需要國民黨與民衆黨立委支持預算案。政府雖無法強制要求民間企業增加對美採購,例如:食品業進口更多美國農產品,但透過「Team Taiwan」的呼籲,仍可能影響企業決策。此外,臺積電已在3月3日宣佈將大幅增加在美投資,除商業考量外,也可能帶有政治壓力。隨着臺積電供應鏈跟進赴美投資,臺灣企業對美投資將進一步成長。然而,這是否足以讓川普放棄對臺灣產品加徵關稅,仍有待觀察。
What If It Was Taiwan’s President Lai and Not Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy Meeting President Trump in the Oval Office?
By Ross Darrell Feingold
Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad
X: @RossFeingold
The meeting on February 28th in the White House Oval Office between United States President Donald Trump and Ukraine President Volodmyr Zelensky is already one of the memorable moments in the history of United States diplomacy. At the same time, it might also be one of the most significant moments in the three years since Russia invaded Ukraine, if, despite the meeting ending in anger, it turns out to the beginning of an actual peace process.
As an analyst of Taiwan’s foreign policy and relations with the United States, the way the Trump-Zelenskyy meeting ended prompted me to wonder how a meeting between Taiwan’s President William Lai and President Trump would have gone.
Of course, due to the United States’ “One China Policy”, no such meeting is likely. In fact, unlike in December 2016 when then President-elect Trump had a phone call with then-President Tsai Ing-wen, in December 2024 President-elect Trump did not have a phone call with President Lai, which must have come as a huge disappointment to President Lai and his foreign policy team including Vice President Bikhim Hsiao, Foreign Minister Lin Chia-lung, and National Security Council Secretary General Joseph Wu. There’s no doubt that they tried to arrange such a call but were unsuccessful.
Would a Lai-Trump meeting have ended happily or in angry disagreement?
First, is President Lai’s English ability as good as Zelenskyy’s? Would Lai be able to conduct a meeting with Trump entirely in English as Zelenskyy can?
To be fair to President Lai, he speaks English reasonably well. A video recently posted on the Presidential Office website from the opening ceremony of the Global Cooperation and Training Framework Workshop on Whole-of-Society Resilience Building, Preparation, and Response on March 4th shows Lai delivering his speech in English. On the other hand, when meeting foreign dignitaries at the Presidential Office, President Lai usually speaks in Mandarin, as evidenced by another video on the Presidential Office website, of President Lai meeting a delegation from the Heritage Foundation “think tank”, also on March 4th.
However, one of the most revealing English languages moments for Zelenskyy during the Trump-Zelenskyy meeting was when Trump said to Zelenskyy “You don't have the cards right now”, and Zelenskyy immediately replied “We’re not playing cards”. This showed that Zelenskyy has a very advanced English language skill, as he understood the reference Trump made to playing cards.
President Lai can deliver a speech in English, but does he have the rapid response ability in English that Zelenskyy has?
Second, some in the United States have criticized Zelenskyy for not wearing a suit to the meeting with Trump. In fact, Zelenskyy has worn his “presidential uniform” throughout the war, and has worn it to many meetings with foreign dignitaries both in Kyiv as well as when he visits other countries. This should not be an issue for President Lai, as he generally wears a suit and tie when meeting foreign dignitaries. Though, it would be interesting to see President Lai “lighten up a bit” and wear something less formal when meeting foreign dignitaries!
Third, would President Lai have signed an agreement with the United States similar to the proposed rare earth and minerals agreement between the United States and Ukraine? Most likely, President Lai would probably give in to Trump’s pressure. After Trump recently said several times that Taiwan stole the United States’ semiconductor industry, how to deal with Trump was discussed at the Democratic Progressive Party Central Executive Committee meeting on February 5th, and at the National Security Council meeting that President Lai convened on February 14th. Taiwan’s plan for dealing with Trump is obvious: buy more natural gas from the United States, buy more weapons from the United States, buy more agricultural products from the United States, and encourage Taiwan companies to invest more in the United States.
It’s very easy for President Lai to instruct state owned companies like CPC Corporation, Taiwan to buy more natural gas. Buying more weapons from the United States will require the cooperation of Chinese Nationalist Party and Taiwan People’s Party legislators to agree to the proposed budget. It’s more difficult to order private sector companies such as those in the food industry to purchase more agricultural products from the United States, though pressure from the government might prompt the food industry to do their part for “Team Taiwan”. When it comes to more investment in the United States by Taiwan’s technology companies, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s (TSMC) announcement on March 3rd that it will significantly increase its investment in the United States was probably prompted by a combination of political pressure and business necessity. TSMC’s supply chain will follow TSMC to the United States, which will further increase Taiwan companies’ investment in the United States. However, whether this is enough to stop Trump from increasing tariffs on Made in Taiwan products remains to be seen.
Fourth, would President Lai have thanked the United States sufficiently to satisfy President Trump and Vice President JD Vance? One of the reasons why the Trump – Zelenskyy meeting quickly became an argument was that Vance felt that Zelenskyy failed to show sufficient gratitude for the military aid and other assistance that the United States has provided Ukraine over the past three years. For the Taiwan - United States relationship, the Taiwan government often describes relations as “rock solid”, and the Taiwan government often issues statements to thank the United States for the support the United States publicly shows for Taiwan. Whether Trump or Vance are aware that Taiwan often thanks the United States is unknown.
Finally, if a Trump-Lai meeting went poorly, what would President Lai do if Trump cut off military aid to Taiwan similar to Trump’s decision to pause military aid to Ukraine? President Joe Biden used “Presidential Drawdown Authority” to provide military equipment to Taiwan for free. Trump can easily refuse to do that again (which this author thinks would be the correct decision, as Taiwan is a wealthy country that can afford to pay for its national defense needs). What about approval for Taiwan’s purchase of weapons from United States manufacturers? Would Trump delay approvals if he is mad at President Lai or mad at Taiwan’s large trade surplus with the United States? And if so, what would President Lai do in response?
Fortunately for Taiwan, the relationship with the United States is generally smooth and not as tense as Ukraine’s relationship with the United States is. However, despite TSMC’s additional investment in the United States, Trump will remain unhappy about Taiwan’s large trade surplus with the United States, and he will expect the Taiwan government and people to do more for Taiwan’s national defense.
One more important lesson from recent events is that the Taiwan government cannot simply rely on repeatedly saying things such as “Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow” or “the more totalitarianism gathers, the more democratic countries should unite”. Trump will expect Taiwan to take action to address his concerns, and such slogans will be meaningless.