怪男裸上身推車載16只狗 6年苦行1萬公里…近看才知催淚實情

▲奇男子Perros帶着狗狗苦行6年。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Edgardo SalvaPerros)






男子叫做「Edgardo Perros」,他花了6年時間,沿着墨西哥國境行走了1萬4000公里!一開始是帶着自己養的3只狗,但沿途看到受傷或生病的狗,就會忍不住也帶上牠們,醫好了就送人領養,就這樣走走停停、救狗醫狗,陸續救了近500只狗。





A few months ago I was driving out of the small Mexican town of Mazunte, Oaxaca, when I saw a peculiar sight on the side of the road. A man was pushing a trolley along the road and surrounding him were dogs. Dogs were on top of his trolley. Dogs were behind him, in front of him and by his side. Tails were wagging furiously, barks were sounding and he just kept pushing his trolley through the heat.

This is the story of Edgardo Perros.

Thank you to Fernando Cortez Marques for all his help in shooting this project with me and editing all the Spanish interviews! Thank you to Laurie Alexander for helping with the logistics and thank you to Sat Chit Ananda for his translation work.

If you would like to contribute to Edgardo and his journey, follow this link:


Also, take a look at his Facebook page Edgardo SalvaPerros!