快訊/加州「萬聖節派對」驚傳槍擊案! 至少4人死亡


美國加州奧林達(Orinda)於當地時間10月31日晚間11時左右爆發槍擊事件,根據康特拉科斯塔郡(Contra Costa County)警長辦公室,目前傳出多名受害者警方沒有透露太多細節,只表示正在積極調查當中。當地媒體KTVU電視臺報導,至少4人死亡。

Halloween bash in Orinda multiple people shot number of victims unknown @nbcbayarea pic.twitter.com/cVDdUUoaYR

綜合KTVU、ABC7 News與《每日郵報》等媒體報導,一名嫌犯手持MAC-10衝鋒槍掃射民宅,據信已有4人死亡。一名鄰居表示,曾聽見「煙火聲音」,也有人表示,看到一個人對着參加派對的人開槍。


#BREAKING Mass shooting at Halloween party in #Orinda.KTVU has learned that at least 4 people were killed, and several others were wounded.https://t.co/uSjmguTkXz pic.twitter.com/j7pmVYkBF6


Orinda Police Department and Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff are working a multiple shooting in Orinda. Investigation is active. Details coming later.