快訊/美國猶他州槍擊4死 槍手「疑似青少年」




《Deseret News》指出,槍手疑似是一名青少年,但目前正在調查槍手與死者之間的關係,也尚未公佈身分

NOW: Grantsville Police Cpl. Rhonda Fields updating the media. - 4 dead, a 5th person was shot and at hospital- Working to notify family members - No public safety threat, suspect in custody - Officers don’t think there are other suspectshttps://t.co/JbdfoVbNh3 @KUTV2News pic.twitter.com/3Mtl4S4AjX

BREAKING: I’m at homicide scene in Grantsville at Eastmoore and Mainstreet where police say there are multiple victims pic.twitter.com/U4GafRQTyv