時論廣場》國民黨重返執政的捷徑(方恩格 Ross Darrell Feingold)











說到貿易來往,國民黨在臉書發文暗示,若臺灣未能獲得《跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定》(CPTPP)的入場券,吳釗燮應請辭外交部長一職以示負責。鑑於多邊貿易協定通常需要長時間的協商與溝通,要趕在2024年5月蔡政府第二任期結束之前,達成臺灣加入 CPTPP的協商,有很高的難度。順理推之,照國民黨的「建議」,難道他們是預測在下屆總統大選之後,吳部長仍然會續任?這不也就代表了他們唱衰自己將會輸掉下一場總統大選?




The Kuomintang’s International Week of Woe

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman, Republicans Abroad

Twitter: @RossFeingold

Recent days have not been good for the already poor international image of the Chinese Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang. Will chairman Eric Chu be able to fix this any time soon, and what can he do to achieve that?

Despite the non-attendance by Taiwan’s two closest friends (for the United States, a so-called “diplomatic boycott” and for Japan, a decision not to send officials but without calling it a boycott), former Kuomintang chairwoman and presidential candidate Hung Hsiu-chu attended the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony. Her attendance at the Olympics opening ceremony was reported by The Washington Post and of course, by the English language platforms of China state media including CGTN, China Daily, and Xinhua. Foreign stakeholders such as the United States State Department, Members of Congress, and scholars will still associate Hung Hsiu-chu with the Kuomintang, especially as prior to her trip Hung Hsiu-chu informed Chairman Chu of her intention to attend the Olympics opening ceremony. This will apply to her attendance at the Opening ceremony, her meeting with Politburo Standing Committee member and Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People\'s Political Consultative Conference Wang Yang, and her Facebook comments about China-Taiwan relations.

Although Chairman Chu endorsed dialogue with China, if this is a policy that is acceptable to a majority of Taiwan voters as well as to the United States and Japan probably requires further details.

A second bit of negative news for Kuomintang’s international image in recent days was the acknowledgement that there is no firm date yet for Chairman Chu’s trip to the United States though the hope is that it will occur prior to the summer. If it does not occur prior to the summer, it won’t occur at all, given the local elections that will occur in November and the need for the party chairman to campaign for the party’s candidates (and if there is a quarantine upon entry into Taiwan, this will add to the number of days Chairman Chu is unavailable to campaign). Regardless, this author has consistently taken the view in authored commentaries and on television panels that a trip to the United States by the Kuomintang chairman at this time is a bad idea, as the risk of no achievement far outweigh any possible achievements. From the perspective of the US Congress, this year’s mid-term election and a busy legislative calendar limit Members of Congress interest in spending time with the chairman of an unpopular foreign opposition party. Similarly, executive branch agencies have far higher priorities such as the Ukraine crisis, and scholars (few of whom have real influence notwithstanding the awe they are sometimes held in by politicians in Taiwan) must maintain a good relationship with the incumbent government in Taiwan and are more likely to criticize than to praise Chairman Chu. The Kuomintang’s image with American decisionmakers, if not suffering from a pro-China image, still suffers from the anti-ractopamine pork position the Kuomintang took in last December’s referendum, as it would have resulted in US made pork that includes ractopamine remaining banned from entering Taiwan. Although the Kuomintang tweeted that it “welcomes the release of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy and is ready to conduct in-depth discussions with the USG and the policy communities, so as to promote the shared interests of Taiwan and the United States in the Indo-Pacific region”, such a tweet is unlikely to result in any great affection for the Kuomintang from either the United States government or policy community.

If Chairman Chu insists on visiting the United States in the coming months, a successful trip would be one that focuses on US-based Kuomintang voters and donors, rather than on US decisionmakers.

Finally, the third bit of bad news for the Kuomintang was the announcement by the Tsai Ing-wen government that it will remove the import ban on food products grown in Japan’s Fukushima region. The announcement was immediately criticized by the Kuomintang, but there is little the Kuomintang can do to stop the lifting of the ban. The Democratic Progressive Party and Tsai government executed a brilliant strategy prior to the referendum on ractopamine pork that successfully convinced voters the removal of the ractopamine pork import ban was crucial to Taiwan’s ability to enhance trade relations with other countries, and, is likely to be successful in recycling this argument for ending the Fukushima food ban. The Kuomintang posted on Facebook that Foreign Minister Joseph Wu should commit to resign if Taiwan fails to obtain entry into the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. Given how long multilateral trade negotiations typically take, it is unlikely that Taiwan’s CPTPP entry negotiations will be completed by May 2024 when the Tsai government’s term ends. Perhaps the Kuomintang expects to lose the next presidential election and for Foreign Minister Wu to continue in his job until a date years from now.

This author has frequently said that the path to the Kuomintang’s electoral success in Taiwan does not go through Washington DC (and it certainly does not go through Tokyo). Currently, the Kuomintang has low popularity in Taiwan, an international image problem, and has proven unable in recent years to challenge President Tsai’s excellent image in the United States and worldwide. If the Kuomintang wants to receive a welcome reception in Washington DC, it will occur if the Kuomintang does well in this year’s local election or looks likely to win the 2024 presidential election, and not before. As General George S. Patton famously once said, “Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser”. Words the Kuomintang should remember when dealing with Americans.