改名「垃圾桶中的愛」 女收藏家原價照買4000萬自毀作品



英國街頭藝術家班克斯(Banksy)在拍賣會上自毀4000萬元畫作「女孩與氣球」(Girl With Balloon),成爲一堆條狀碎紙,讓在場所有人目瞪口呆。目前這件作品已改名爲「垃圾桶中的愛」(Love is in the Bin),並由原買家依同樣價格完成交易


據《金融時報》報導,蘇富比的高級主管布蘭奇克(Alex Branczik)推測,應該是班克斯在成交那刻按下了遙控器當場啓動畫框內碎紙機。



We are pleased to announce that the winning bidder on @Banksy’s ‘Girl with Balloon’ last Friday night in London has confirmed their decision to acquire the new work that was created in our salesroom. Newly titled ‘Love is in the Bin’, the piece has become the first artwork in history to have been created live during an auction. The buyer, a female European collector and a long-standing client of Sotheby’s, is proceeding with the purchase at the same price as was achieved in the room on the night. ‘Love is in the Bin’ will be on view to the public in Sotheby’s New Bond Street galleries in #London on Saturday and Sunday 13th and 14th October from noon until 5pm. Final entry to the galleries at 4.40pm. #LoveIsInTheBin #SothebysContemporary #Banksy

Sotheby's(@sothebys)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 11 日 上午 10:09 張貼