孟買駕駛狂按喇叭 「噪音>85分貝」重置號誌紅燈等更久

Horn not okay, please! Find out how the @MumbaiPolice hit the mute button on #Mumbai’s reckless honkers. #HonkResponsibly pic.twitter.com/BAGL4iXiPH



據《Dainik Bhaskar》報導,孟買的交通壅塞,時常出現駕駛人按喇叭催促前方用路者狀況,導致當地充斥着惱人的噪音。當地警方爲了解決這個問題,透過分貝計連接號誌燈,當儀表上的噪音超過85分貝,號誌燈就會重置,而駕駛人就只能等待更長的時間。

據CNN報導,孟買警局發言人Prannoy Ashok表示,在實驗階段中,「幾個重要路口」每天都會進行15分鐘的測試,而這個方法目前是成功的,下個月將會在10個地點進行更深入的測試,希望這個概念能被推廣到整個交通管理系統中。


There is a cultural deficit in our programming when it comes to mindless honking. It probably is caused by a combination of certain wrong beliefs . We assume that the other people in traffic are not as much in a hurry as us. Which is certainly incorrect . We all want to get to where we are going sooner rather than later . So why do we we honk? Not needed. . We believe that honking will magically make the traffic move faster or turn the red light green sooner somehow . It will not . . We also honk because we can see that the pedestrians never follow the rules and that becomes the general belief system - because we secretly know that we ourselves don’t follow the rules while crossing the streets and cross sections. . And we are so comfortable with the noise pollution because we are accustomed to it. Which is really sad. But easily reversible . Plus blowing that horn has become a kind of mindless venting of all our daily irritations and frustrations , it gives us some kind of satisfaction that we are letting off some steam . It actually does the opposite. The noise only aggravates all that pent up irritation inside . It does not HELP it. . I am dreaming of a mumbai that is more patient , more trusting , more aware , more giving , more disciplined , more responsible , more present and all that will only come from wanting to be better as individual citizens for the sake of our city . Let’s do things together which will make us even more proud of this magnificent city. My secret suspicion is that just the act of being aware of NOT to blow that horn will make us more present and add peace and serenity to our days wether inside or outside the car. . You cannot dream of peace with decibels at its peak. Patience is the solution to our chaos . As a proud Mumbaikar, I volunteer to minimize noise pollution. This movement by the mumbai police is just such a brilliant initiative. And #HonkMoreWaitMore is a creative hack by our Traffic Controllers. . P.S : I am posting this as a citizen who was impacted by this video I saw yesterday and this post is not a tie up or endorsement... but my own personal thoughts and emotions . #HonkResponsibly #mumbaipolice @mumbai.police_

Hrithik Roshan(@hrithikroshan)分享的貼文 於 PST 2020 年 2月 月 3 日 下午 9:07 張貼

如果駕駛人爲了不想等更久的紅燈,就會在無形中建立意識,避免無緣無故亂按喇叭的情況。而這個特別的方式受到許多人贊同,連寶萊演員李提克.羅森(Hrithik Roshan)也在IG上表示,「這是出色的措施」,因爲按喇叭不會比較快變綠燈,只會徒增噪音。不過也有人擔心,救護車警笛聲等特殊情況,若也比照同樣方式,則可能會出現其他的交通問題。