

幾年運動維持健康的風潮興盛,慢跑、路跑的人數也增加,衆所周知的年度臺北馬拉松路跑將在12/20登場,這是今年新冠疫情影響下全球少數如期舉行的大型運動賽事,而今年的馬拉松標語 Dare to Breathe「勇感呼吸」似乎也呼應了今年特殊的情況,我們就來看看和馬拉松運動相關的多益單字有哪些。

路跑road running和馬拉松marathon

首先,路跑和馬拉松都是長跑的一種,也是一種考驗耐力跑步,因此常被歸類爲long-distance running、endurance running。這裡的long-distance可以翻成「長距」,常可和其他名詞搭配使用如long-distance flights長途飛行、long-distance calls長途電話、long-distance relationship遠距戀情。此外,動詞endure意思是忍耐、承受;持續經歷,因此路跑的情境下endurance就是一種「耐力」的考驗。

Frida Kahlo, a famous Mexican painter, endured several operations and tragedies during her lifetime.


路跑的英文是road running,而馬拉松marathon重音在第一音節,常見有跑完42.195公里全程全馬(full marathon)和只進行一半路程21公里的半馬(half marathon)兩種。有趣的是marathon也可以用來表示長時間連續從事某種活動,如連續幾個小時報導、長時間連續追劇等,此時marathon可用作動詞,也可是名詞。

Running a marathon takes a lot of physical training and mental preparation.


Can you recommend a good TV series to marathon during holidays?


I watched a 9-hour House of Cards marathon yesterday.


登記參加馬拉松通常是免費的,但真正入選參加馬拉松的跑者,是需要繳報名費entry fee。著名的美國馬拉松之一、紐約馬拉松,entry fee從美金$255到$358元不等,也就是說並不是每個登記的都可以跑。然而這個費用通常是不可退費(non-refundable)、不可轉讓的(non-transferable)。

The entry fees are $1,800 NTD for full marathon and $1,200 for half marathon.



「參賽者」英文可用participant或contestant,前者是由動詞participate演變而來,後者則是contest。值得注意的是contest當名詞重音在第一音節,常搭配其他名詞使用,如karaoke contest卡拉OK比賽、speech contest演講比賽,當動詞時重音則在第二音節。

Both party candidates had agreed to two televised debates before the hotly contested presidential election.


All marathon contestants can receive a race kit and some souvenirs.



The number of participants for full marathon is capped at 9,000.


For 2020-2021 season, the NBA has set the team’s salary cap at $109 million.


cap一般我們所熟知的就是名詞「蓋子」,另一個解釋就是「限制」,在此做動詞「限制」,也就是set a limit、limit、restrict的意思。

今年臺北馬拉松的路線route將從臺北市政府廣場出發,沿途會經過一些交通樞紐和主要道路,因此通常會有交通管制(traffic control),民衆可參考路線圖 (route map)來做繞道的準備,以上這些字也是多益測驗的高頻單字。

● route (n) 路線

Coronavirus has impacted travel industry greatly. Several airline carriers have unveiled changes to international and domestic routes.


● detour (n) 繞道

Traffic controls along the marathon route will be implemented and motorists are urged to make detour plans.


一同以往,今年馬拉松也有不少企業贊助,對企業而言能收到廣告效益,對參賽者而言也有不錯的獎金獎品。一般來說贊助就可以簡單的用sponsor表達,獎品可用prize,如果要特別說明「獎金」則可用prize money。

● sponsor (v) 贊助 (n) 贊助者、贊助商

Companies usually sponsor cultural and sporting events since they can benefit from the advertisements.


● prize money (n) 獎金

With a record-high number of runners participating in the marathon, the prize money has increased too.



1.Thousands of entries ___________ for our annual holiday sweepstakes so far. The drawing will be held next week and the names of the winners and prizes will also be announced on our official website.

(A) will be received

(B) will receive

(C) are receiving

(D) have been received

2.Please clean the bottles and remove the ________ before crushing them.

(A) logos

(B) jars

(C) caps

(D) bars


1. 正解爲(D)。本題文法題,第一句有 so far,句意爲「目前已收到數千的抽獎登記。下週將舉行抽獎,得獎名單和獎品將公佈在我們官網。」第一句用現在完成式較爲恰當,而且「登記」 爲主詞所以需要以被動式型態表現,因此本題答案爲(D)。

2. 正解爲(B)。本題爲單字題,要選出符合句意的單字,動詞remove意思是「移除」,所以回收瓶子可移除的部分爲「瓶蓋」,因此選(B)。
